Does Remote Work Need a Different Approach to Respect?
What do we mean by the word respect?
Respect means:
“The regard for the feelings, wishes, rights or traditions of others.“
It is to accept someone for who they are even when they are different from you.
Most companies have policies for creating respectful and non-threatening workplaces — but how do these translate to a remote workforce?
How do you ensure that remote employees’ rights are respected in an age of cameras, tracking tools, and the difficulty of switching off work?
Our goal in Building a Respectful Remote Workplace is to give you policies and guidelines to make “respect” second nature for everyone throughout your organization.
Building a Respectful Remote Workplace
Apply "respect" principles that work beyond the office.
Imagine having a workplace where everyone feels heard and engaged.
What if that staffer working four hours away by plane feels on the same playing field as their office-based counterparts?
Remote and Hybrid work styles need a new approach to "respect" policies that emphasize privacy, time and sustainability.
You can achieve "remote respect" over a distance. Are you ready?
Course Leader
Meet Your Expert
Course leader Cynthia Watson has run thousands of meetings for the world’s largest companies and is an author, researcher and consultant on making remote teams perform better.
Since doing her master’s thesis on telecommuting in 1993, she’s consulted, runs organizations and led teams — while travelling the world.
This framework was created and refined over a decade of running a completely virtual company that helps Fortune 500 run more effectively over a distance.
This course is based on the new book on remote work, co-authored by Cynthia Watson and published by ForbesBooks.
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