How to Run a Remote Retrospective

Learn how to apply agile principles remotely to move your team's projects, planning and engagement forward — from anywhere.

How to Run a Remote Retrospective

Learn how to apply agile principles remotely to move your team's projects, planning and engagement forward — from anywhere.

No More Failed Planning Meetings

You've probably already had your share of planning or project meetings that went too long, were dominated by one or two people, possibly didn't even need you in attendance, and saw no clear goals or action items at the end.

A retrospective, done right, will eliminate all that. And while most people have experience with a retrospective in person, running a meeting remotely can be even more productive.

Have you experienced the sound of crickets on a call when people are unwilling to speak up or share ideas? Is it usually the people you need to hear from?

This can lead to poor planning results and cause things to go off-track later. All because you don’t have the input you need to cover all possible risks and stakeholder issues early on.

Thousands of business owners, managers and leadership teams are facing the same challenges — dealing with a new remote or hybrid team that they need to drive strategic decisions.

You don’t need to wait for your leaders to take action. Anyone can run a retrospective following our simple tips.

If you want to be one of those inspiring leaders that can engage their team in ideas and strategy over a distance, then How to Run a Remote Retrospective
is for you.


How to Run a Remote Retrospective

Apply Agile Principles Remotely to Move Your Team Forward

Imagine having everyone engaged and involved in a project or strategic planning – without being in the office.

What if you had your team’s full attention and input to get the input you need to make important decisions?

Imagine engaging, lively group discussions using our warm-up and engagement techniques to break through those virtual walls.

Imagine everyone on track, bought in and moving toward a common goal that everyone has put effort into.

You can plan and engage over a distance.   Are you ready?

Course Leader

MeetĀ Your Expert

Course leader Shane Spraggs teaches Agile and project management at a local university.

Heā€™s run thousands of retrospective meetings in person and over a distance while running operational teams at Disney and several startups.

Shane is a Productivity Consultant who advises Fortune 100 clients to optimize their remote operations and be more productive in or out of the office.


This course is based on the new book on remote work, co-authored by Cynthia Watson and published by ForbesBooks.

What will you learn in this course?

How to Run a Remote Retrospective
is packed with tips that will transform your ability to plan and engage teams over a distance.

Whether you work in an office, have a hybrid setup or run things from a beach, we'll show you the tips to getting what you need to move your team, your project and your organization forward.

Here are a few things we'll cover in this hour-long course:

  • When to use a retrospective and how to run them.
  • The different types of retros you can run and how they'll benefit your team and your business.
  • How to choose the right one and plan it effectively, so you engage all involved and get the results needed.
  • The best tools to make your life easier when running a retrospective team.
  • How to meet less and accomplish more.

What's Included?

Included with your course are these useful extras we use daily to make our customers and employees more effective.

  • A downloadable workbook that you’ll be able to follow to become a Remote Retrospectives expert.
  • Downloads for agendas and icebreakers.
  • A complementary chapter of our Forbes book on using retrospectives to increase engagement.

What will you learn in this course?

How to Run a Remote Retrospective
is packed with tips that will transform your ability to plan and engage teams over a distance.

Whether you work in an office, have a hybrid setup or run things from a beach, we'll show you the tips to getting what you need to move your team, your project and your organization forward.

Here are a few things we'll cover in this hour-long course:

  • When to use a retrospective and how to run them.
  • The different types of retros you can run and how they'll benefit your team and your business.
  • How to choose the right one and plan it effectively, so you engage all involved and get the results needed.
  • The best tools to make your life easier when running a retrospective team.
  • How to meet less and accomplish more.

What's Included?

Included with your course are these useful extras we use daily to make our customers and employees more effective.

  • A downloadable workbook that you’ll be able to follow to become a Remote Retrospectives expert.
  • Downloads for agendas and icebreakers.
  • A complementary chapter of our Forbes book on using retrospectives to increase engagement.

Sign Up Today for How to Run a Remote Retrospective

Sign Up Today for How to Run a Remote Retrospective

Special Launch Price


  • 16 Video Lessons
  • Agendas
  • Icebreakers
  • Checksheets
  • Downloads

Our Satisfaction Guarantee

If you’re not entirely satisfied with the content within the first 28 days, we’ll fully refund you the money you paid for the program, subject to a review of your course progress.