Produce results over a distance.

Learn our proven methods to supercharge remote work.

Put these practical tips into action to reboot how you work, manage and lead remotely. And maybe even say goodbye to the office — forever.

Produce results over a distance.

Learn our proven methods to supercharge remote work.

Put these practical tips into action to reboot how you work, manage and lead remotely. And maybe even say goodbye to the office — forever.

Learn From Over Two Decades of Remote Experience

Take advantage of the many opportunities remote work presents.

Stop saying “we’re not there yet,” and start saying “we’ve arrived!”

Attain That Coveted
Work-Life Balance

Find out why webcams and emails are overrated
and learn how to lead high-performing meetings.

Lead Teams With
Impact & Authority

Learn how to lead high-performing
and engaged distributed teams.

Create Successful Projects
Over A Distance

Be fierce in your quest for accountability
and learn how to run a great retrospective.


How to Run a Remote Retrospective

Apply Agile Principles Remotely to Move Your Team Forward

If you’ve previously worked in a tech company, you’ve already had your share of planning meetings that went too long, were dominated by one or two people, possibly didn’t even need you in attendance, and saw no clear goals or action items at the end of it. A retrospective, done right, will eliminate all that.

Whether you work in an office, have a hybrid setup or run things from a beach, we'll show you the tips for getting what you need to move your team, your project and your organization forward in our latest online course for remote teams.

Course on running online meetings


Netiquette: Creating the Perfect Online Meeting

How Do You Extract Maximum Value From Online Meetings?

We've run thousands of meetings for the world's largest companies - and have learned how to beat Zoom fatigue. Based on the new Forbes book on remote work.

Whether you work in an office, have a hybrid setup or run things from a beach, we'll show you the tips to being a perfect host, a perfect guest and looking fabulous while you do it!

Don't have another Zoom call before taking this course!


More from Virtira Academy

Building a Respectful Remote Workplace

Achieve diversity, respect and sustainability by working from anywhere.


Strategic Planning for Remote Organizations

How to achieve a strategic plan that aligns your team for the year ahead — without meeting in person.


Keeping Remote Teams on Track and Accountable

Learn how quickly you can implement strategies to fast-track results and harness the power of remote teams — from anywhere.


The Power of Remote

Building High-Performing Organizations That Thrive in the Virtual Workplace

Course leaders Cynthia Watson and Shane Spraggs worked with Forbes Books to create this comprehensive manual for leading and working remotely. This highly anticipated book unlocks the secrets to making virtual teams and remote work efficient.

Virtira lessons are mined from best practices used by Virtira Consulting in over 1,500 engagements with Fortune 500 companies.

The Power of Remote provides a comprehensive roadmap for the countless companies and managers looking to take advantage of this workplace evolution.


Reviews For The Power of Remote

Reviews for
The Power of Remote

Picture of Jason Vale, CEO Juice Master Ltd

Jason Vale

CEO Juice Master Ltd

Every business on planet earth was affected by the 2020 global pandemic. The biggest paradigm shift in business was the displacement of people from the communal office to their urgently created home offices.

We were forced to reinvent, restructure and rethink our traditional working approach.

The Power of Remote will give you the tools to navigate this new territory and create, support and manage a thriving remote team.

Picture of Tanveer Naseer of Tanveer Naseer, Inc.

Tanveer Naseer, Inc.

100 Leadership Speaker, award-winning author, and co-author of Leadership Vertigo.

The Power of Remote provides leaders with a much-needed roadmap to create remote workplaces where organizational objectives are met, and employees feel a greater sense of connection to what they do and who they work with. From how to build a healthy organizational culture in remote work environments to changing how and what we communicate to foster greater employee ownership and collaboration, Watson and Spraggs offer tools and insights that will help expand your leadership toolkit to meet the changing needs and demands arising from this new world of work.

Picture of Dr. Marshall Goldsmith

Dr. Marshall Goldsmith

Thinkers50 #1 Executive Coach,
New York Times bestselling author of
The Earned Life, and other books.

Managing remote work is one of the most important topics for businesses today.

With so much misunderstanding around the shift from in-person to remote work. The Power of Remote comes at the perfect time — and with all the right information.

A must-read!

Your Course Leader

Cynthia WatsonĀ 

Virtira's Executive Chair, Cynthia Watson, brings a wealth of experience in leading complex projects with virtual teams worldwide for industry giants like Cisco Systems, ensuring you master the art of "remote" work.

Cynthia's journey into telecommuting began with her Master's thesis on the subject in 1993, and she has embraced remote work ever since. With decades of research, consulting, and managing remote teams, she now lends her expertise to the Virtira Academy team.

Exclusive Offer! Download a copy of our book for FREE! 

Our Top Tips on Remote Work for Free!

How to Work From Home and Actually Get Sh*t Done unlocks the secrets to making virtual teams and remote work efficient.

You will discover why webcams and emails are overrated. You will learn to lead high-performance distributed teams, communicate virtually with impact and authority, be fierce in your quest for accountability across business projects, and attain that coveted work-life balance.

Put these practical tips into action to reboot your remote work life!


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